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621 - 630 of 13135 for Palindromic Number ConjectureSearch Results

In 1976, Coates and Wiles showed that elliptic curves with complex multiplication having an infinite number of solutions have L-functions which are zero at the relevant fixed ...
Lehmer's totient problem asks if there exist any composite numbers n such that phi(n)|(n-1), where phi(n) is the totient function? No such numbers are known. However, any ...
Archimedes' cattle problem, also called the bovinum problema, or Archimedes' reverse, is stated as follows: "The sun god had a herd of cattle consisting of bulls and cows, ...
For a braid with M strands, R components, P positive crossings, and N negative crossings, {P-N<=U_++M-R if P>=N; P-N<=U_-+M-R if P<=N, (1) where U_+/- are the smallest number ...
A plane partition which is invariant under permutation of the three axes and which is equal to its complement (i.e., the collection of cubes that are in a given box but do ...
The operator I^~ which takes a real number to the same real number I^~r=r.
A puzzle in which one object is to be converted to another by making a finite number of cuts and reassembling it. The cuts are often, but not always, restricted to straight ...
A number triangle of order n with entries 1 to n such that entries are nondecreasing across rows and down columns and all entries in column j are less than or equal to j. An ...
The function lambda(n)=(-1)^(Omega(n)), (1) where Omega(n) is the number of not necessarily distinct prime factors of n, with Omega(1)=0. The values of lambda(n) for n=1, 2, ...
Given an arithmetic progression of terms an+b, for n=1, 2, ..., the series contains an infinite number of primes if a and b are relatively prime, i.e., (a,b)=1. This result ...
