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481 - 490 of 13135 for Palindromic Number ConjectureSearch Results

Simplemindedly, a number theoretic transform is a generalization of a fast Fourier transform obtained by replacing e^(-2piik/N) with an nth primitive root of unity. This ...
A near noble number is a real number 0<nu<1 whose continued fraction is periodic, and the periodic sequence of terms is composed of a string of p-1 1s followed by an integer ...
A lucky number of Euler is a number p such that the prime-generating polynomial n^2-n+p is prime for n=1, 2, ..., p-1. Such numbers are related to the imaginary quadratic ...
A figurate number constructed by taking the (3n-2)th tetrahedral number and removing the (n-1)th tetrahedral number from each of the four corners, Ttet_n = ...
A figurate number of the form P_n^((4))=1/6n(n+1)(2n+1), (1) corresponding to a configuration of points which form a square pyramid, is called a square pyramidal number (or ...
For a given m, determine a complete list of fundamental binary quadratic form discriminants -d such that the class number is given by h(-d)=m. Heegner (1952) gave a solution ...
A pyramidal number of the form n(n+1)(5n-2)/6, The first few are 1, 8, 26, 60, 115, ... (OEIS A002413). The generating function for the heptagonal pyramidal numbers is ...
A pyramidal number of the form n(n+1)(4n-1)/6, The first few are 1, 7, 22, 50, 95, ... (OEIS A002412). The generating function of the hexagonal pyramidal numbers is ...
A complex number z is said to be purely imaginary if it has no real part, i.e., R[z]=0. The term is often used in preference to the simpler "imaginary" in situations where z ...
A number b_(2n) having generating function sum_(n=0)^(infty)b_(2n)x^(2n) = 1/2ln((e^(x/2)-e^(-x/2))/(1/2x)) (1) = 1/2ln2+1/(48)x^2-1/(5760)x^4+1/(362880)x^6-.... (2) For n=1, ...
