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A polyomino-like object made by attaching squares joined either at sides or corners. Because neighboring squares can be in relation to one another as kings may move on a ...
The graph complement of a perfect graph is itself perfect. Originally known as the weak perfect graph conjecture (Fulkerson 1971), the result was subsequently proved by ...
A random polygon is a polygon generated in some random way. Kendall conjectured that the shape of a random polygon is close to a disk as the area of the polygon becomes large ...
A finite or infinite square matrix with rational entries. (If the matrix is infinite, all but a finite number of entries in each row must be 0.) The sum or product of two ...
A numerical knot invariant. For a tame knot K, the bridge index is the least bridge number of all planar representations of the knot. The bridge index of the unknot is ...
The chromatic number of a graph is at most the maximum vertex degree Delta, unless the graph is complete or an odd cycle, in which case Delta+1 colors are required.
Chinese checkers is a game roughly analogous to checkers played on a board in the shape of a centered hexagram. The board has a total of S_5=121 holes, where S_n is a star ...
The problem of finding in how many ways E_n a plane convex polygon of n sides can be divided into triangles by diagonals. Euler first proposed it to Christian Goldbach in ...
If F is a family of more than n bounded closed convex sets in Euclidean n-space R^n, and if every H_n (where H_n is the Helly number) members of F have at least one point in ...
On a compact oriented Finsler manifold without boundary, every cohomology class has a unique harmonic representation. The dimension of the space of all harmonic forms of ...
