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Euler integration was defined by Schanuel and subsequently explored by Rota, Chen, and Klain. The Euler integral of a function f:R->R (assumed to be piecewise-constant with ...
Expansion is an affine transformation (sometimes called an enlargement or dilation) in which the scale is increased. It is the opposite of a geometric contraction, and is ...
A shell bounded by two similar ellipsoids having a constant ratio of axes. Given a chord passing through a homeoid, the distance between inner and outer intersections is ...
Let a_1, a_2, ..., a_n be scalars not all equal to 0. Then the set S consisting of all vectors X=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] in R^n such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=c for c a ...
The Kaprekar routine is an algorithm discovered in 1949 by D. R. Kaprekar for 4-digit numbers, but which can be generalized to k-digit numbers. To apply the Kaprekar routine ...
Let f be analytic on a domain U subset= C, and assume that f never vanishes. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|<=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. ...
A module M is Noetherian if it obeys the ascending chain condition with respect to inclusion, i.e., if every set of increasing sequences of submodules eventually becomes ...
A fractional integral of order 1/2. The semi-integral of t^lambda is given by D^(-1/2)t^lambda=(t^(lambda+1/2)Gamma(lambda+1))/(Gamma(lambda+3/2)), so the semi-integral of ...
Summation by parts for discrete variables is the equivalent of integration by parts for continuous variables Delta^(-1)[v(x)Deltau(x)]=u(x)v(x)-Delta^(-1)[Eu(x)Deltav(x)], ...
Given a sequence of real numbers a_n, the supremum limit (also called the limit superior or upper limit), written lim sup and pronounced 'lim-soup,' is the limit of ...
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