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A bilinear functional phi on a normed space E is called coercive (or sometimes elliptic) if there exists a positive constant K such that phi(x,x)>=K||x||^2 for all x in E.
If P is any point on a line TT^' whose orthopole is S, then the circle power of S with respect to the pedal circle of P is a constant (Gallatly 1913, p. 51).
A function f such that |f(x)-f(y)|<=C|x-y| for all x and y, where C is a constant independent of x and y, is called a Lipschitz function. For example, any function with a ...
The constant ratio by which all distances are increased (or decreased) in a similarity. A similarity with ratio of magnification equal to 1 is called an isometry.
In any triangle, the locus of a point whose pedal triangle has a constant Brocard angle and is described in a given direction is a circle of the Schoute coaxal system.
A curve whose name means "shell form." Let C be a curve and O a fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line from O to C meeting it at Q, where P^'Q=QP=k, with k a given ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
An equation for a lattice sum b_3(1) (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 26) b_3(1) = sum^'_(i,j,k=-infty)^infty((-1)^(i+j+k))/(sqrt(i^2+j^2+k^2)) (1) = ...
The Pierce expansion, or alternated Egyptian product, of a real number 0<x<1 is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
Consider the consecutive number sequences formed by the concatenation of the first n positive integers: 1, 12, 123, 1234, ... (OEIS A007908; Smarandache 1993, Dumitrescu and ...
