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611 - 620 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results
The tangent indicatrix of a curve of constant precession is a spherical helix. The equation of a spherical helix on a sphere with radius r making an angle theta with the ...
A shift-invariant operator Q for which Qx is a nonzero constant. 1. Qa=0 for every constant a. 2. If p(x) is a polynomial of degree n, Qp(x) is a polynomial of degree n-1. 3. ...
A coordinate system obtained by inversion of the bicyclide coordinates. They are given by the transformation equations x = Lambda/(aUpsilon)snmudnnucospsi (1) y = ...
If A moves along a known curve, then P describes a pursuit curve if P is always directed toward A and A and P move with uniform velocities. Pursuit curves were considered in ...
A function used to study ordinary differential equations.
A curve on a surface whose tangents are always in the direction of principal curvature. The equation of the lines of curvature can be written |g_(11) g_(12) g_(22); b_(11) ...
If f(x) is positive and decreases to 0, then an Euler constant gamma_f=lim_(n->infty)[sum_(k=1)^nf(k)-int_1^nf(x)dx] can be defined. For example, if f(x)=1/x, then ...
The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" ...
A hyper-Kähler manifold can be defined as a Riemannian manifold of dimension 4n with three covariantly constant orthogonal automorphisms I, J, K of the tangent bundle which ...
Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function. Then the sequence of numbers s^0(n)=n,s^1(n)=s(n),s^2(n)=s(s(n)),... ...
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