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481 - 490 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results

The continued fraction of A is [1; 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 12, 4, 1, 271, 1, ...] (OEIS A087501). A plot of the first 256 terms of the continued fraction represented as a ...
Let L denote the n×n square lattice with wraparound. Call an orientation of L an assignment of a direction to each edge of L, and denote the number of orientations of L such ...
Cauchy's functional equation is the equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y). It was proved by Cauchy in 1821 that the only continuous solutions of this functional equation from R into R ...
The Diophantine equation sum_(j=1)^(m-1)j^n=m^n. Erdős conjectured that there is no solution to this equation other than the trivial solution 1^1+2^1=3^1, although this ...
In 1913, Ramanujan asked if the Diophantine equation of second order 2^n-7=x^2, sometimes called the Ramanujan-Nagell equation, has any solutions other than n=3, 4, 5, 7, and ...
The equation f(x_n|x_s)=int_(-infty)^inftyf(x_n|x_r)f(x_r|x_s)dx_r which gives the transitional densities of a Markov sequence. Here, n>r>s are any integers (Papoulis 1984, ...
An equation proposed by Lambert (1758) and studied by Euler in 1779. x^alpha-x^beta=(alpha-beta)vx^(alpha+beta). (1) When alpha->beta, the equation becomes lnx=vx^beta, (2) ...
Let the number of random walks on a d-D hypercubic lattice starting at the origin which never land on the same lattice point twice in n steps be denoted c_d(n). The first few ...
A method of determining coefficients alpha_l in an expansion y(x)=y_0(x)+sum_(l=1)^qalpha_ly_l(x) so as to nullify the values of an ordinary differential equation L[y(x)]=0 ...
rho_(n+1)(x)=intrho_n(y)delta[x-M(y)]dy, where delta(x) is a delta function, M(x) is a map, and rho is the natural invariant.
