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3031 - 3040 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results
The anticomplement of a point P in a reference triangle DeltaABC is a point P^' satisfying the vector equation P^'G^->=2GP^->, (1) where G is the triangle centroid of ...
A number of the form 2^n that contains the digits 666 (i.e., the beast number) is called an apocalyptic number. 2^(157) is an apocalyptic number. The first few such powers ...
A surface of revolution defined by Kepler. It consists of more than half of a circular arc rotated about an axis passing through the endpoints of the arc. The equations of ...
The best known example of an Anosov diffeomorphism. It is given by the transformation [x_(n+1); y_(n+1)]=[1 1; 1 2][x_n; y_n], (1) where x_(n+1) and y_(n+1) are computed mod ...
The atom-spiral, also known as the atomic spiral, is the curve with polar equation r=theta/(theta-a) for a real parameter a (van Maldeghem 2002). When theta is allows to vary ...
A benzenoid is a fusene that is a subgraph of the regular hexagonal lattice (i.e., a simply connected polyhex). The numbers of n-hexagon benzenoids for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 1, ...
The function ber_nu(z) is defined through the equation J_nu(ze^(3pii/4))=ber_nu(z)+ibei_nu(z), (1) where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind, so ...
The Bernoulli inequality states (1+x)^n>1+nx, (1) where x>-1!=0 is a real number and n>1 an integer. This inequality can be proven by taking a Maclaurin series of (1+x)^n, ...
The Bevan circle, sometimes also called the excentral circle, is the circumcircle of the excentral triangle of the reference triangle, i.e., it is the circle passing through ...
The Bickart points are the foci F_1 and F_2 of the Steiner circumellipse. They have trilinear coordinates alpha_1:beta_1:gamma_1 and alpha_2:beta_2:gamma_2, where alpha_i = ...
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