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A mathematical property P holds locally if P is true near every point. In many different areas of mathematics, this notion is very useful. For instance, the sphere, and more ...
By analogy with the log sine function, define the log cosine function by C_n=int_0^(pi/2)[ln(cosx)]^ndx. (1) The first few cases are given by C_1 = -1/2piln2 (2) C_2 = ...
The Lorentz group is the group L of time-preserving linear isometries of Minkowski space R^((3,1)) with the Minkowski metric dtau^2=-(dx^0)^2+(dx^1)^2+(dx^2)^2+(dx^3)^2 ...
A method for finding roots which defines P_j(x)=(P(x))/((x-x_1)...(x-x_j)), (1) so the derivative is (2) One step of Newton's method can then be written as ...
The mean distance of a (connected) graph is the mean of the elements of its graph distance matrix. Closed forms for some classes of named graphs are given in the following ...
The Mercator series, also called the Newton-Mercator series (Havil 2003, p. 33), is the Taylor series for the natural logarithm ln(1+x) = sum_(k=1)^(infty)((-1)^(k+1))/kx^k ...
An inequality which implies the correctness of the Robertson conjecture (Milin 1964). de Branges (1985) proved this conjecture, which led to the proof of the full Bieberbach ...
A minimum vertex cut of a graph is a vertex cut of smallest possible size. A vertex cut set of size 1 in a connected graph corresponds to an articulation vertex. The size of ...
If a function analytic at the origin has no singularities other than poles for finite x, and if we can choose a sequence of contours C_m about z=0 tending to infinity such ...
What is the longest ladder that can be moved around a right-angled hallway of unit width? For a straight, rigid ladder, the answer is 2sqrt(2), which allows the ladder to ...
