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2881 - 2890 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results

Consider an n-digit number k. Square it and add the right n digits to the left n or n-1 digits. If the resultant sum is k, then k is called a Kaprekar number. For example, 9 ...
The problem of determining how many nonattacking kings can be placed on an n×n chessboard. For n=8, the solution is 16, as illustrated above (Madachy 1979). In general, the ...
The Kreisel conjecture is a conjecture in proof theory that postulates that, if phi(x) is a formula in the language of arithmetic for which there exists a nonnegative integer ...
If theta is a given irrational number, then the sequence of numbers {ntheta}, where {x}=x-|_x_|, is dense in the unit interval. Explicitly, given any alpha, 0<=alpha<=1, and ...
Given a Taylor series f(x)=f(x_0)+(x-x_0)f^'(x_0)+((x-x_0)^2)/(2!)f^('')(x_0)+... +((x-x_0)^n)/(n!)f^((n))(x_0)+R_n, (1) the error R_n after n terms is given by ...
The function defined by chi_nu(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^(2k+1))/((2k+1)^nu). (1) It is related to the polylogarithm by chi_nu(z) = 1/2[Li_nu(z)-Li_nu(-z)] (2) = ...
A Lehner continued fraction is a generalized continued fraction of the form b_0+(e_1)/(b_1+(e_2)/(b_2+(e_3)/(b_3+...))) where (b_i,e_(i+1))=(1,1) or (2, -1) for x in [1,2) an ...
The commutator series of a Lie algebra g, sometimes called the derived series, is the sequence of subalgebras recursively defined by g^(k+1)=[g^k,g^k], (1) with g^0=g. The ...
The lower central series of a Lie algebra g is the sequence of subalgebras recursively defined by g_(k+1)=[g,g_k], (1) with g_0=g. The sequence of subspaces is always ...
A linear extension of a partially ordered set P is a permutation of the elements p_1, p_2, ... of P such that p_i<p_j implies i<j. For example, the linear extensions of the ...
