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2841 - 2850 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results
The map projection having transformation equations x = (lambda-lambda_0)cosphi_1 (1) y = phi, (2) and the inverse formulas are phi = y (3) lambda = lambda_0+xsecphi_1, (4) ...
A figure resembling a daisy or sunflower in which copies of a geometric figure of increasing size are placed at regular intervals along a spiral. The resulting figure appears ...
The inner and outer spheres tangent internally to a cone and also to a plane intersecting the cone are called Dandelin spheres. The spheres can be used to show that the ...
Darboux's formula is a theorem on the expansion of functions in infinite series and essentially consists of integration by parts on a specific integrand product of functions. ...
An embedding of a 1-sphere in a 3-manifold which exists continuously over the 2-disk also extends over the disk as an embedding. An alternate phrasing is that if a knot group ...
A type of integral which is an extension of both the Riemann integral and the Lebesgue integral. The original Denjoy integral is now called a Denjoy integral "in the ...
Let G be a group of group order h and D be a set of k elements of G. If the set of differences d_i-d_j contains every nonzero element of G exactly lambda times, then D is a ...
A number n such that the "LED representation" of n (i.e., the arrangement of horizonal and vertical lines seen on a digital clock or pocket calculator), n upside down, n in a ...
A number n is said to be divisible by d if d is a divisor of n. The function Divisible[n, d] returns True if an integer n is divisible by an integer d. The product of any n ...
The dual vector space to a real vector space V is the vector space of linear functions f:V->R, denoted V^*. In the dual of a complex vector space, the linear functions take ...
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