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1031 - 1040 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results
The system of partial differential equations describing fluid flow in the absence of viscosity, given by (partialu)/(partialt)+u·del u=-(del P)/rho, where u is the fluid ...
A formula for numerical solution of differential equations, (1) where k_1 = hf(x_n,y_n) (2) k_2 = hf(x_n+1/2h,y_n+1/2k_1) (3) k_3 = ...
If r is a root of a nonzero polynomial equation a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, (1) where the a_is are integers (or equivalently, rational numbers) and r satisfies no ...
The curvature and torsion functions along a space curve determine it up to an orientation-preserving isometry.
In physics, the word entropy has important physical implications as the amount of "disorder" of a system. In mathematics, a more abstract definition is used. The (Shannon) ...
For a system of n first-order ordinary differential equations (or more generally, Pfaffian forms), the 2n-dimensional space consisting of the possible values of ...
The Barth sextic is a sextic surface in complex three-dimensional projective space having the maximum possible number of ordinary double points, namely 65. The surface was ...
Partial derivatives are defined as derivatives of a function of multiple variables when all but the variable of interest are held fixed during the differentiation. (1) The ...
A minimal surface given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = u-sinucoshv (1) y(u,v) = 1-cosucoshv (2) z(u,v) = 4sin(1/2u)sinh(1/2v) (3) (Gray 1997), or x(r,phi) = ...
There are several meanings of the word content in mathematics. The content of a polytope or other n-dimensional object is its generalized volume (i.e., its "hypervolume"). ...
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