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3951 - 3960 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results
Given a set of n+1 control points P_0, P_1, ..., P_n, the corresponding Bézier curve (or Bernstein-Bézier curve) is given by C(t)=sum_(i=0)^nP_iB_(i,n)(t), where B_(i,n)(t) ...
Let F be the set of complex analytic functions f defined on an open region containing the set closure of the unit disk D={z:|z|<1} satisfying f(0)=0 and df/dz(0)=1. For each ...
The subset B of the Euclidean plane formed by the union of the interval [0,1] of the x-axis and all line segments of unit length passing through the origin which form an ...
Cards are a set of n rectangular pieces of cardboard with markings on one side and a uniform pattern on the other. The collection of all cards is called a "deck," and a ...
Let {a_i}_(i=1)^n be a set of positive numbers. Then sum_(i=1)^n(a_1a_2...a_i)^(1/i)<=esum_(i=1)^na_i (which is given incorrectly in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000). Here, the ...
An equation representing a locus L in the n-dimensional Euclidean space. It has the form L:f(x_1,...,x_n)=0, (1) where the left-hand side is some expression of the Cartesian ...
The Cartesian product of two sets A and B (also called the product set, set direct product, or cross product) is defined to be the set of all points (a,b) where a in A and b ...
An algebraic surface with affine equation P_d(x_1,x_2)+T_d(x_3)=0, (1) where T_d(x) is a Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind and P_d(x_1,x_2) is a polynomial defined by ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
A fundamental system of logic based on the concept of a generalized function whose argument is also a function (Schönfinkel 1924). This mathematical discipline was ...
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