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3451 - 3460 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results

If, after constructing a difference table, no clear pattern emerges, turn the paper through an angle of 60 degrees and compute a new table. If necessary, repeat the process. ...
Suppose x_1<x_2<...<x_n are given positive numbers. Let lambda_1, ..., lambda_n>=0 and sum_(j=1)^(n)lambda_j=1. Then ...
Given a sequence S_i as input to stage i, form sequence S_(i+1) as follows: 1. For k in [1,...,i], write term i+k and then term i-k. 2. Discard the ith term. 3. Write the ...
A problem related to the continuum hypothesis which was solved by Solovay (1970) using the inaccessible cardinals axiom. It has been proven by Shelah and Woodin (1990) that ...
A finite sequence of real numbers {a_k}_(k=1)^n is said to be logarithmically concave (or log-concave) if a_i^2>=a_(i-1)a_(i+1) holds for every a_i with 1<=i<=n-1. A ...
A sequence of random variates X_0, X_1, ... with finite means such that the conditional expectation of X_(n+1) given X_0, X_1, X_2, ..., X_n is equal to X_n, i.e., ...
All Mathieu functions have the form e^(irz)f(z), where f(z) has period 2pi and r is known as the Mathieu characteristic exponent. This exponent is returned by the Wolfram ...
The nested radical constant is the constant defined by C = sqrt(1+sqrt(2+sqrt(3+sqrt(4+sqrt(5+...))))) (1) = 1.75793275... (2) (OEIS A072449). No closed-form expression is ...
Let (A,<=) and (B,<=) be disjoint totally ordered sets with order types alpha and beta. Then the ordinal sum is defined at set (C=A union B,<=) where, if c_1 and c_2 are both ...
An oriented graph is a directed graph having no symmetric pair of directed edges. A complete oriented graph is called a tournament. The numbers of oriented graphs on n=1, 2, ...
