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A symmetric bilinear form on a vector space V is a bilinear function Q:V×V->R (1) which satisfies Q(v,w)=Q(w,v). For example, if A is a n×n symmetric matrix, then ...
An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides of equal length a, corresponding to what could also be known as a "regular" triangle. An equilateral triangle is ...
The Johnson solids are the convex polyhedra having regular faces and equal edge lengths (with the exception of the completely regular Platonic solids, the "semiregular" ...
The constant e^pi that Gelfond's theorem established to be transcendental seems to lack a generally accepted name. As a result, in this work, it will be dubbed Gelfond's ...
The base 16 notational system for representing real numbers. The digits used to represent numbers using hexadecimal notation are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, ...
A sequence which arises in the hypothetical reproduction of a population of rabbits. Let the substitution system map 0->1 correspond to young rabbits growing old, and 1->10 ...
An amphichiral knot is a knot that is capable of being continuously deformed into its own mirror image. More formally, a knot K is amphichiral (also called achiral or ...
For |q|<1, the Rogers-Ramanujan identities are given by (Hardy 1999, pp. 13 and 90), sum_(n=0)^(infty)(q^(n^2))/((q)_n) = 1/(product_(n=1)^(infty)(1-q^(5n-4))(1-q^(5n-1))) ...
Let G be a group, and let S subset= G be a set of group elements such that the identity element I not in S. The Cayley graph associated with (G,S) is then defined as the ...
A regular continued fraction is a simple continued fraction x = b_0+1/(b_1+1/(b_2+1/(b_3+...))) (1) = K_(k=1)^(infty)1/(b_k) (2) = [b_0;b_1,b_2,...], (3) where b_0 is an ...