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321 - 330 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results

Number Theory
Consider a square wave f(x) of length 2L. Over the range [0,2L], this can be written as f(x)=2[H(x/L)-H(x/L-1)]-1, (1) where H(x) is the Heaviside step function. Since ...
A process of successively crossing out members of a list according to a set of rules such that only some remain. The best known sieve is the sieve of Eratosthenes for ...
The symbol p^e∥n means, for p a prime, that p^e|n, but p^(e+1)n.
For any M, there exists a t^' such that the sequence n^2+t^', where n=1, 2, ... contains at least M primes.
The average number of regions N(n) into which n lines divide a square is N^_(n)=1/(16)n(n-1)pi+n+1 (Santaló 1976; Finch 2003, p. 481). The maximum number of sequences is ...
If replacing each number by its square or cube in a magic square produces another magic square, the square is said to be a trimagic square. Trimagic squares are also called ...
A number of the form a_0+a_1zeta+...+a_(p-1)zeta^(p-1), where zeta=e^(2pii/p) is a de Moivre number and p is a prime number. Unique factorizations of cyclotomic integers fail ...
The second Mersenne prime M_3=2^3-1, which is itself the exponent of Mersenne prime M_7=2^7-1=127. It gives rise to the perfect number P_7=M_7·2^6=8128. It is a Gaussian ...
A pair of primes (p,q) that sum to an even integer 2n=p+q are known as a Goldbach partition (Oliveira e Silva). Letting r(2n) denote the number of Goldbach partitions of 2n ...
