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For n>=1, let u and v be integers with u>v>0 such that the Euclidean algorithm applied to u and v requires exactly n division steps and such that u is as small as possible ...
If K is a finite complex and h:|K|->|K| is a continuous map, then Lambda(h)=sum(-1)^pTr(h_*,H_p(K)/T_p(K)) is the Lefschetz number of the map h.
Data resulting from the observation of a population on a number of variables over time. Whenever observations are made more than once, the data is considered to be ...
For a real number x, the mantissa is defined as the positive fractional part x-|_x_|=frac(x), where |_x_| denotes the floor function. For example, for x=3.14159, the mantissa ...
The sequence generated by repeated application of a map. The map is said to have a closed orbit if it has a finite number of elements.
A Maurer rose is a plot of a "walk" along an n- (or 2n-) leafed rose curve in steps of a fixed number d degrees, including all cosets.
The ring of integers of a number field K, denoted O_K, is the set of algebraic integers in K, which is a ring of dimension d over Z, where d is the extension degree of K over ...
A set having the largest number k of distinct residue classes modulo m so that no subset has zero sum.
Let R be a number ring of degree n with 2s imaginary embeddings. Then every ideal class of R contains an ideal J such that ||J||<=(n!)/(n^n)(4/pi)^ssqrt(|disc(R)|), where ...
The operation of subtraction, i.e., a minus b. The operation is denoted a-b. The minus sign "-" is also used to denote a negative number, i.e., -x.
