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The number sign # sometimes used in mathematics to indicate the number of a quantity satisfying some condition, e.g., #{n:n>1}. The symbol is also used to denote a primorial.
A set partition of a set S is a collection of disjoint subsets of S whose union is S. The number of partitions of the set {k}_(k=1)^n is called a Bell number.
For a subgroup H of a group G, the index of H, denoted (G:H), is the cardinal number of the set of left cosets of H in G (which is equal to the cardinal number of the set of ...
A Ferrers diagram represents partitions as patterns of dots, with the nth row having the same number of dots as the nth term in the partition. The spelling "Ferrars" (Skiena ...
Grünbaum conjectured that for every m>1, n>2, there exists an m-regular, m-chromatic graph of girth at least n. This result is trivial for n=2 and m=2,3, but only a small ...
A Gray code is an encoding of numbers so that adjacent numbers have a single digit differing by 1. The term Gray code is often used to refer to a "reflected" code, or more ...
Assume that n numbered pancakes are stacked, and that a spatula can be used to reverse the order of the top k pancakes for 2<=k<=n. Then the pancake sorting problem asks how ...
A plane partition is a two-dimensional array of integers n_(i,j) that are nonincreasing both from left to right and top to bottom and that add up to a given number n. In ...
An algebraic variety is a generalization to n dimensions of algebraic curves. More technically, an algebraic variety is a reduced scheme of finite type over a field K. An ...
The conjecture that the number of alternating sign matrices "bordered" by +1s A_n is explicitly given by the formula A_n=product_(j=0)^(n-1)((3j+1)!)/((n+j)!). This ...
