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Consecutive numbers (or more properly, consecutive integers) are integers n_1 and n_2 such that n_2-n_1=1, i.e., n_2 follows immediately after n_1. Given two consecutive ...
Brown numbers are pairs (m,n) of integers satisfying the condition of Brocard's problem, i.e., such that n!+1=m^2 where n! is the factorial and m^2 is a square number. Only ...
Any prime number other than 2 (which is the unique even prime). Humorously, 2 is therefore the "oddest" prime.
Two numbers are homogeneous if they have identical prime factors. An example of a homogeneous pair is (6, 72), both of which share prime factors 2 and 3: 6 = 2·3 (1) 72 = ...
Two numbers are heterogeneous if their prime factors are distinct. For example, 6=2·3 and 24=2^3·3 are not heterogeneous since their factors are each (2, 3).
Two integers n and m<n are (alpha,beta)-multiamicable if sigma(m)-m=alphan and sigma(n)-n=betam, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and alpha,beta are positive integers. ...
Legion's number of the first kind is defined as L_1 = 666^(666) (1) = 27154..._()_(1871 digits)98016, (2) where 666 is the beast number. It has 1881 decimal digits. Legion's ...
Sociable numbers are numbers that result in a periodic aliquot sequence, where an aliquot sequence is the sequence of numbers obtained by repeatedly applying the restricted ...
In Moralia, the Greek biographer and philosopher Plutarch states "Chrysippus says that the number of compound propositions that can be made from only ten simple propositions ...
The positive integers 216 and 12960000 appear in an obscure passage in Plato's The Republic. In this passage, Plato alludes to the fact that 216 is equal to 6^3, where 6 is ...
