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1891 - 1900 of 13135 for OTHER NUMBER SENSESearch Results
Any set which can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers (or integers) so that a prescription can be given for identifying its members one at a time ...
The Feller-Tornier constant is the density of integers that have an even number of prime factors p_i^(a_i) with a_1>1 in their prime factorization. It is given by ...
Let psi = 1+phi (1) = 1/2(3+sqrt(5)) (2) = 2.618033... (3) (OEIS A104457), where phi is the golden ratio, and alpha = lnphi (4) = 0.4812118 (5) (OEIS A002390). Define the ...
Given integers a and b with close to 2n bits each, the half-GCD of a and b is a 2×2 matrix [u v; u^' v^'] with determinant equal to -1 or 1 such that ua+vb=r and ...
The expected number of real zeros E_n of a random polynomial of degree n if the coefficients are independent and distributed normally is given by E_n = ...
If theta is a given irrational number, then the sequence of numbers {ntheta}, where {x}=x-|_x_|, is dense in the unit interval. Explicitly, given any alpha, 0<=alpha<=1, and ...
Consider the decimal expansion of the reciprocal of the number seven, 1/7=0.142857142857...=0.142857^_, (1) which is a repeating decimal. Now take overlapping pairs of these ...
A prime circle of order 2n is a free circular permutation of the numbers from 1 to 2n with adjacent pairs summing to a prime. The number of prime circles for n=1, 2, ..., are ...
A number satisfying Fermat's little theorem (or some other primality test) for some nontrivial base. A probable prime which is shown to be composite is called a pseudoprime ...
Let the sum of squares function r_k(n) denote the number of representations of n by k squares, then the summatory function of r_2(k)/k has the asymptotic expansion ...
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