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The gyroid, illustrated above, is an infinitely connected periodic minimal surface containing no straight lines (Osserman 1986) that was discovered by Schoen (1970). ...
A 2-variable oriented knot polynomial P_L(a,z) motivated by the Jones polynomial (Freyd et al. 1985). Its name is an acronym for the last names of its co-discoverers: Hoste, ...
An n-Hadamard graph is a graph on 4n vertices defined in terms of a Hadamard matrix H_n=(h)_(ij) as follows. Define 4n symbols r_i^+, r_i^-, c_i^+, and c_i^-, where r stands ...
The Hajós graph (Brandstädt et al. 1987, Berge 1989) is another name for the Sierpiński sieve graph S_2, which is isomorphic to the 2-sun graph. However, the term is also ...
For a connected bipartite graph G, the halved graph G^+ and G^- are the two connected components of the distance 2-graph of G. The following table summarizes some named ...
The volumes of any n n-dimensional solids can always be simultaneously bisected by a (n-1)-dimensional hyperplane. Proving the theorem for n=2 (where it is known as the ...
The Hatzel graph is a planar hypohamiltonian graph on 57 vertices that was the smallest known example of such a graph until the discovery of the Zamfirescu graph on 48 ...
The Heaviside step function is a mathematical function denoted H(x), or sometimes theta(x) or u(x) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 1020), and also known as the "unit step ...
The Heawood four-color graph is the 25-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's ...
The (circular) helicoid is the minimal surface having a (circular) helix as its boundary. It is the only ruled minimal surface other than the plane (Catalan 1842, do Carmo ...
