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Serre's problem, also called Serre's conjecture, asserts that the implication "free module ==> projective module" can be reversed for every module over the polynomial ring ...
Order the natural numbers as follows: Now let F be a continuous function from the reals to the reals and suppose p≺q in the above ordering. Then if F has a point of least ...
The randomization of a deck of cards by repeated interleaving. More generally, a shuffle is a rearrangement of the elements in an ordered list. Shuffling by exactly ...
The Siegel theta function is a Gamma_n-invariant meromorphic function on the space of all p×p symmetric complex matrices Z=X+iY with positive definite imaginary part. It is ...
There are several fractal curves associated with Sierpiński. The area for the first Sierpiński curve illustrated above (Sierpiński curve 1912) is A=1/3(7-4sqrt(2)). The curve ...
The term "similarity transformation" is used either to refer to a geometric similarity, or to a matrix transformation that results in a similarity. A similarity ...
A Lie algebra is said to be simple if it is not Abelian and has no nonzero proper ideals. Over an algebraically closed field of field characteristic 0, every simple Lie ...
Simpson's rule is a Newton-Cotes formula for approximating the integral of a function f using quadratic polynomials (i.e., parabolic arcs instead of the straight line ...
Inscribe two triangles DeltaA_1B_1C_1 and DeltaA_2B_2C_2 in a reference triangle DeltaABC such that A = ∠AB_1C_1=∠AC_2B_2 (1) B = ∠BC_1A_1=∠BA_2C_2 (2) C = ∠CA_1B_1=∠CB_2A_2. ...
The singleton graph is the graph consisting of a single isolated node with no edges. It is therefore the empty graph on one node. It is commonly denoted K_1 (i.e., the ...
