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Let f be a real-valued, continuous, and strictly increasing function on [0,c] with c>0. If f(0)=0, a in [0,c], and b in [0,f(c)], then int_0^af(x)dx+int_0^bf^(-1)(x)dx>=ab, ...
The first and second Zagreb indices for a graph with vertex count n and vertex degrees v_i for i=1, ..., n are defined by Z_1=sum_(i=1)^nv_i^2 and Z_2=sum_((i,j) in ...
The Zak transform is a signal transform relevant to time-continuous signals sampled at a uniform rate and an arbitrary clock phase (Janssen 1988). The Zak transform of a ...
The Zariski topology is a topology that is well-suited for the study of polynomial equations in algebraic geometry, since a Zariski topology has many fewer open sets than in ...
A version of set theory which is a formal system expressed in first-order predicate logic. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is based on the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms. ...
The version of set theory obtained if Axiom 6 of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is replaced by 6'. Selection axiom (or "axiom of subsets"): for any set-theoretic formula A(u), ...
A zero-symmetric graph is a vertex-transitive cubic graph whose edges are partitioned into three orbits by its automorphism group. The figures above show some small ...
A nonzero element x of a ring for which x·y=0, where y is some other nonzero element and the multiplication x·y is the multiplication of the ring. A ring with no zero ...
Given two additive groups (or rings, or modules, or vector spaces) A and B, the map f:A-->B such that f(a)=0 for all a in A is called the zero map. It is a homomorphism in ...
A zero matrix is an m×n matrix consisting of all 0s (MacDuffee 1943, p. 27), denoted 0. Zero matrices are sometimes also known as null matrices (Akivis and Goldberg 1972, p. ...
