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In category theory, a tensor category (C, tensor ,I,a,r,l) consists of a category C, an object I of C, a functor tensor :C×C->C, and a natural isomorphism a = a_(UVW):(U ...
The contraction of a tensor is obtained by setting unlike indices equal and summing according to the Einstein summation convention. Contraction reduces the tensor rank by 2. ...
Abstractly, the tensor direct product is the same as the vector space tensor product. However, it reflects an approach toward calculation using coordinates, and indices in ...
The vector Laplacian can be generalized to yield the tensor Laplacian A_(munu;lambda)^(;lambda) = (g^(lambdakappa)A_(munu;lambda))_(;kappa) (1) = ...
Let R be a commutative ring. A tensor category (C, tensor ,I,a,r,l) is said to be a tensor R-category if C is an R-category and if the tensor product functor is an R-bilinear ...
In logic, a term is a variable, constant, or the result of acting on variables and constants by function symbols. In algebra, a term is a product of the form x^n (in the ...
Term rewriting systems are reduction systems in which rewrite rules apply to terms. Terms are built up from variables and constants using function symbols (or operations). ...
A tesseral harmonic is a spherical harmonic of the form cos; sin(mphi)P_l^m(costheta). These harmonics are so named because the curves on which they vanish are l-m parallels ...
A tetradecahedron is a 14-sided polyhedron, sometimes called a tetrakaidecahedron. Examples are illustrated above and summarized in the following table. name family augmented ...
A flexagon made with square faces. Gardner (1961) shows how to construct a tri-tetraflexagon, tetra-tetraflexagon, and hexa-tetraflexagon.
