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A linear ordinary differential equation of order n is said to be homogeneous if it is of the form a_n(x)y^((n))+a_(n-1)(x)y^((n-1))+...+a_1(x)y^'+a_0(x)y=0, (1) where ...
A homogeneous space M is a space with a transitive group action by a Lie group. Because a transitive group action implies that there is only one group orbit, M is isomorphic ...
An abstract algebra concerned with results valid for many different kinds of spaces. Modules are the basic tools used in homological algebra.
When two cycles have a transversal intersection X_1 intersection X_2=Y on a smooth manifold M, then Y is a cycle. Moreover, the homology class that Y represents depends only ...
Two figures are homothetic if they are related by an expansion or geometric contraction. This means that they lie in the same plane and corresponding sides are parallel; such ...
A continuous transformation from one function to another. A homotopy between two functions f and g from a space X to a space Y is a continuous map G from X×[0,1]|->Y such ...
Two topological spaces X and Y are homotopy equivalent if there exist continuous maps f:X->Y and g:Y->X, such that the composition f degreesg is homotopic to the identity ...
Let M be a Riemannian manifold, and let the topological metric on M be defined by letting the distance between two points be the infimum of the lengths of curves joining the ...
The bifurcation of a fixed point to a limit cycle (Tabor 1989).
The solid cut from a horizontal cylinder of length L and radius R by a single plane oriented parallel to the cylinder's axis of symmetry (i.e., a portion of a horizontal ...
