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A set T of integers is said to be recursively enumerable if it constitutes the range of a recursive function, i.e., if there exists a recursive function that can eventually ...
The Smarandache function mu(n) is the function first considered by Lucas (1883), Neuberg (1887), and Kempner (1918) and subsequently rediscovered by Smarandache (1980) that ...
There are at least two statements which go by the name of Artin's conjecture. If r is any complex finite-dimensional representation of the absolute Galois group of a number ...
The most common form of cosine integral is Ci(x) = -int_x^infty(costdt)/t (1) = gamma+lnx+int_0^x(cost-1)/tdt (2) = 1/2[Ei(ix)+Ei(-ix)] (3) = -1/2[E_1(ix)+E_1(-ix)], (4) ...
Let f be a real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b] and let x_0 in (a,b). The four one-sided limits D^+f(x_0)=lim sup_(x->x_0+)(f(x)-f(x_0))/(x-x_0), (1) ...
Let L_n be the n×n matrix whose (i,j)th entry is 1 if j divides i and 0 otherwise, let Phi_n be the n×n diagonal matrix diag(phi(1),phi(2),...,phi(n)), where phi(n) is the ...
Half-angle formulas and formulas expressing trigonometric functions of an angle x/2 in terms of functions of an angle x. For real x, sin(1/2x) = ...
The binary logarithm log_2x is the logarithm to base 2. The notation lgx is sometimes used to denote this function in number theoretic literature. However, because Russian ...
If f has no spectrum in [-lambda,lambda], then ||f||_infty<=pi/(2lambda)||f^'||_infty (1) (Bohr 1935). A related inequality states that if A_k is the class of functions such ...
Polynomials s_k(x;lambda) which form a Sheffer sequence with g(t) = 1+e^(lambdat) (1) f(t) = e^t-1 (2) and have generating function ...
