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A dependent variable is a variable whose value depends on the values of one or more other independent variables. This notion comes up regularly in a variety of contexts. In ...
An independent variable is a variable whose values don't depend on changes in other variables. This is in contrast to the definition of dependent variable. As with dependent ...
A real-valued univariate function f=f(x) is said to have an infinite discontinuity at a point x_0 in its domain provided that either (or both) of the lower or upper limits of ...
The Poisson-Charlier polynomials c_k(x;a) form a Sheffer sequence with g(t) = e^(a(e^t-1)) (1) f(t) = a(e^t-1), (2) giving the generating function ...
A formula also known as the Legendre addition theorem which is derived by finding Green's functions for the spherical harmonic expansion and equating them to the generating ...
A map f from a metric space M=(M,d) to a metric space N=(N,rho) is said to be uniformly continuous if for every epsilon>0, there exists a delta>0 such that ...
The word "graph" has (at least) two meanings in mathematics. In elementary mathematics, "graph" refers to a function graph or "graph of a function," i.e., a plot. In a ...
The cosine function cosx is one of the basic functions encountered in trigonometry (the others being the cosecant, cotangent, secant, sine, and tangent). Let theta be an ...
Given a Jacobi theta function, the nome is defined as q(k) = e^(piitau) (1) = e^(-piK^'(k)/K(k)) (2) = e^(-piK(sqrt(1-k^2))/K(k)) (3) (Borwein and Borwein 1987, pp. 41, 109 ...
secz is the trigonometric function defined by secz = 1/(cosz) (1) = 2/(e^(iz)+e^(-iz)), (2) where cosz is the cosine. The secant is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
