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In two-dimensional polar coordinates, the Helmholtz differential equation is 1/rpartial/(partialr)(r(partialF)/(partialr))+1/(r^2)(partial^2F)/(partialtheta^2)+k^2F=0. (1) ...
On the surface of a sphere, attempt separation of variables in spherical coordinates by writing F(theta,phi)=Theta(theta)Phi(phi), (1) then the Helmholtz differential ...
A homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients is an ordinary differential equation in which coefficients are constants (i.e., not functions), ...
As Lagrange showed, any irrational number alpha has an infinity of rational approximations p/q which satisfy |alpha-p/q|<1/(sqrt(5)q^2). (1) Furthermore, if there are no ...
The imaginary part I[z] of a complex number z=x+iy is the real number multiplying i, so I[x+iy]=y. In terms of z itself, I[z]=(z-z^_)/(2i), where z^_ is the complex conjugate ...
Implicit differentiation is the procedure of differentiating an implicit equation with respect to the desired variable x while treating the other variables as unspecified ...
An improper integral is a definite integral that has either or both limits infinite or an integrand that approaches infinity at one or more points in the range of ...
A conic section that is tangent to all sides of a triangle is called an inconic. Any trilinear equation of the form ...
If a subgroup H of G has a group representation phi:H×W->W, then there is a unique induced representation of G on a vector space V. The original space W is contained in V, ...
An inflection point is a point on a curve at which the sign of the curvature (i.e., the concavity) changes. Inflection points may be stationary points, but are not local ...
