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S(nu,z) = int_0^infty(1+t)^(-nu)e^(-zt)dt (1) = z^(nu-1)e^zint_z^inftyu^(-nu)e^(-u)du (2) = z^(nu/2-1)e^(z/2)W_(-nu/2,(1-nu)/2)(z), (3) where W_(k,m)(z) is the Whittaker ...
A function periodic with period 2pi such that p(theta+pi)=-p(theta) for all theta is said to be Möbius periodic.
The image of the path gamma in C under the function f is called the trace. This usage of the term "trace" is unrelated to the same term applied to matrices or tensors.
A point x_0 is said to be a periodic point of a function f of period n if f^n(x_0)=x_0, where f^0(x)=x and f^n(x) is defined recursively by f^n(x)=f(f^(n-1)(x)).
The symbol ker has at least two different meanings in mathematics. It can refer to a special function related to Bessel functions, or (written either with a capital or ...
The symbol ker has at least two different meanings in mathematics. It can refer to a special function related to Bessel functions, or (written either with a capital or ...
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, Y_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and K_nu(z) a modified Bessel function of the first kind. Then ...
A triply periodic function is a function having three distinct periods. Jacobi (1835) proved that a single-valued univariate function cannot have more than two distinct ...
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, Y_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and K_nu(z) a modified Bessel function of the first kind. Also let R[z]>0 ...
The Gudermannian function is the odd function denoted either gamma(x) or gd(x) which arises in the inverse equations for the Mercator projection. phi(y)=gd(y) expresses the ...
