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A set which transforms via converse functions. Antisets usually arise in the context of Chu spaces.
The Atzema spiral, also known as the Pritch-Atzema spiral, is the curve whose catacaustic for a radiant point at the origin is a circle, as illustrated above. It has ...
The group of functions from an object G to itself which preserve the structure of the object, denoted Aut(G). The automorphism group of a group preserves the multiplication ...
There exists a total computable predicate P such that for any algorithm computing P(x) with running time T(x), there exists another algorithm computing P(x) with computation ...
A finite or infinite square matrix with rational entries. (If the matrix is infinite, all but a finite number of entries in each row must be 0.) The sum or product of two ...
How far can a stack of n books protrude over the edge of a table without the stack falling over? It turns out that the maximum overhang possible d_n for n books (in terms of ...
If F is the Borel sigma-algebra on some topological space, then a measure m:F->R is said to be a Borel measure (or Borel probability measure). For a Borel measure, all ...
A distribution which arises in the study of integer spin particles in physics, P(k)=(k^s)/(e^(k-mu)-1). (1) Its integral is given by int_0^infty(k^sdk)/(e^(k-mu)-1) = ...
The Cauchy product of two sequences f(n) and g(n) defined for nonnegative integers n is defined by (f degreesg)(n)=sum_(k=0)^nf(k)g(n-k).
int_a^bf_1(x)dxint_a^bf_2(x)dx...int_a^bf_n(x)dx <=(b-a)^(n-1)int_a^bf_1(x)f_2(x)...f_n(x)dx, where f_1, f_2, ..., f_n are nonnegative integrable functions on [a,b] which are ...
