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The Robertson-Wegner graph is of the four (5,5)-cage graphs, also called Robertson's cage (Read and Wilson 1998, p. 273). Like the other (5,5)-cages, the Robertson-Wegner ...
The Robertson graph is the unique (4,5)-cage graph, illustrated above. It has 19 vertices and 38 edges. It has girth 5, diameter 3, chromatic number 3, and is a quartic ...
Let a number n be written in binary as n=(epsilon_kepsilon_(k-1)...epsilon_1epsilon_0)_2, (1) and define b_n=sum_(i=0)^(k-1)epsilon_iepsilon_(i+1) (2) as the number of digits ...
Consider a game, first proposed by Nicolaus Bernoulli, in which a player bets on how many tosses of a coin will be needed before it first turns up heads. The player pays a ...
In combinatorial mathematics, the series-parallel networks problem asks for the number of networks that can be formed using a given number of edges. The edges can be ...
A special function is a function (usually named after an early investigator of its properties) having a particular use in mathematical physics or some other branch of ...
A spectral sequence is a tool of homological algebra that has many applications in algebra, algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. Roughly speaking, a spectral sequence ...
The Steiner tree of some subset of the vertices of a graph G is a minimum-weight connected subgraph of G that includes all the vertices. It is always a tree. Steiner trees ...
Let X be a set of v>=3 elements together with a set B of 3-subset (triples) of X such that every 2-subset of X occurs in exactly one triple of B. Then B is called a Steiner ...
Stirling's approximation gives an approximate value for the factorial function n! or the gamma function Gamma(n) for n>>1. The approximation can most simply be derived for n ...
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