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Using the notation of Byerly (1959, pp. 252-253), Laplace's equation can be reduced to (1) where alpha = cint_c^lambda(dlambda)/(sqrt((lambda^2-b^2)(lambda^2-c^2))) (2) = ...
In spherical coordinates, the scale factors are h_r=1, h_theta=rsinphi, h_phi=r, and the separation functions are f_1(r)=r^2, f_2(theta)=1, f_3(phi)=sinphi, giving a Stäckel ...
A lattice-ordered set is a poset (L,<=) in which each two-element subset {a,b} has an infimum, denoted inf{a,b}, and a supremum, denoted sup{a,b}. There is a natural ...
The second solution Q_l(x) to the Legendre differential equation. The Legendre functions of the second kind satisfy the same recurrence relation as the Legendre polynomials. ...
Let (P,B) denote a configuration with v points P={p_1,...,p_v} and b lines ("blocks") B=(B_1,...,B_b). Then the Levi graph L(P,B), also called the incidence graph, of a ...
A sufficient condition on the Lindeberg-Feller central limit theorem. Given random variates X_1, X_2, ..., let <X_i>=0, the variance sigma_i^2 of X_i be finite, and variance ...
Lissajous curves are the family of curves described by the parametric equations x(t) = Acos(omega_xt-delta_x) (1) y(t) = Bcos(omega_yt-delta_y), (2) sometimes also written in ...
Let there be three polynomials a(x), b(x), and c(x) with no common factors such that a(x)+b(x)=c(x). Then the number of distinct roots of the three polynomials is one or more ...
A k-matching in a graph G is a set of k edges, no two of which have a vertex in common (i.e., an independent edge set of size k). Let Phi_k be the number of k-matchings of ...
There are several regular mathematics competitions available to students. The International Mathematical Olympiad is perhaps the largest, while the William Lowell Putnam ...
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