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An articulation vertex of a connected graph, also called a cut-vertex (Harary 1994, p. 26; West 2000; Gross and Yellen 2006) or "cutpoint" (Harary 1994, p. 26), is a vertex ...
An atlas is a collection of consistent coordinate charts on a manifold, where "consistent" most commonly means that the transition functions of the charts are smooth. As the ...
An important and fundamental axiom in set theory sometimes called Zermelo's axiom of choice. It was formulated by Zermelo in 1904 and states that, given any set of mutually ...
The Balaban index J is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes, m edges, and c connected components by J=m/(gamma+1)sum_((i,j) in E(G))(D_iD_j)^(-1/2), where gamma=m-n+c ...
Given an n-ball B^n of radius R, find the distribution of the lengths s of the lines determined by two points chosen at random within the ball. The probability distribution ...
Suppose A and B are candidates for office and there are 2n voters, n voting for A and n for B. In how many ways can the ballots be counted so that B is never ahead of A? The ...
If k|n, then the complete k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices decomposes into 1-factors, where a 1-factor is a set of n/k pairwise disjoint k-sets. Brouwer and Schrijver ...
A simple graph is a line graph of some simple graph iff if does not contain any of the above nine graphs, known in this work as Beineke graphs, as a forbidden induced ...
1 1 2 2 3 5 5 7 10 15 15 20 27 37 52 The Bell triangle, also called Aitken's array or the Peirce triangle (Knuth 2005, p. 28), is the number triangle obtained by beginning ...
The nth Beraha constant (or number) is given by B(n)=2+2cos((2pi)/n). B(5) is phi+1, where phi is the golden ratio, B(7) is the silver constant, and B(10)=phi+2. The ...
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