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Differential Equations
A q-analog of the Saalschütz theorem due to Jackson is given by where _3phi_2 is the q-hypergeometric function (Koepf 1998, p. 40; Schilling and Warnaar 1999).
The objective of global optimization is to find the globally best solution of (possibly nonlinear) models, in the (possible or known) presence of multiple local optima. ...
Complex analysis is the study of complex numbers together with their derivatives, manipulation, and other properties. Complex analysis is an extremely powerful tool with an ...
The word configuration is sometimes used to describe a finite collection of points p=(p_1,...,p_n), p_i in R^d, where R^d is a Euclidean space. The term "configuration" also ...
A conformal mapping, also called a conformal map, conformal transformation, angle-preserving transformation, or biholomorphic map, is a transformation w=f(z) that preserves ...
The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" ...
Eigenvectors are a special set of vectors associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic vectors, ...
The Folkman graph is a semisymmetric graph that has the minimum possible number of nodes (20) (Skiena 1990, p. 186). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Gray graph is a cubic semisymmetric graph on 54 vertices. It was discovered by Marion C. Gray in 1932, and was first published by Bouwer (1968). Malnič et al. (2002) ...
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