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The Morgan-Voyce polynomials are polynomials related to the Brahmagupta and Fibonacci polynomials. They are defined by the recurrence relations b_n(x) = ...
An optical illusion in which the orientation of arrowheads makes one line segment look longer than another. In the above figure, the line segments on the left and right are ...
Symbols used to identify irreducible representations of groups: A= singly degenerate state which is symmetric with respect to rotation about the principal C_n axis, B= singly ...
The number of multisets of length k on n symbols is sometimes termed "n multichoose k," denoted ((n; k)) by analogy with the binomial coefficient (n; k). n multichoose k is ...
An connective in logic which converts true to false and false to true. NOT A is denoted !A, ¬A, A^_ (Simpson 1987, p. 537) or ∼A (Carnap 1958, p. 7; Mendelson 1997, p. 12). ...
The Narayan number N(n,k) for n=1, 2, ... and k=1, ..., n gives a solution to several counting problems in combinatorics. For example, N(n,k) gives the number of expressions ...
A near noble number is a real number 0<nu<1 whose continued fraction is periodic, and the periodic sequence of terms is composed of a string of p-1 1s followed by an integer ...
Number theory is a vast and fascinating field of mathematics, sometimes called "higher arithmetic," consisting of the study of the properties of whole numbers. Primes and ...
Numerical differentiation is the process of finding the numerical value of a derivative of a given function at a given point. In general, numerical differentiation is more ...
Several flavors of the open mapping theorem state: 1. A continuous surjective linear mapping between Banach spaces is an open map. 2. A nonconstant analytic function on a ...
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