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The energy of a graph is defined as the sum of the absolute values of its graph eigenvalues (i.e., the sum of its graph spectrum terms). Other varieties of graph energy are ...
Graph smoothing, also known as smoothing away or smoothing out, is the process of replacing edges e^'=v_iv_j and e^('')=v_jv_k incident at a vertex v_j of vertex degree 2 by ...
An edge subdivision is the insertion of a new vertex v_j in the middle of an exiting edge e=v_iv_k accompanied by the joining of the original edge endpoints with the new ...
The union G=G_1 union G_2 of graphs G_1 and G_2 with disjoint point sets V_1 and V_2 and edge sets X_1 and X_2 is the graph with V=V_1 union V_2 and X=X_1 union X_2 (Harary ...
The Haferman carpet is the beautiful fractal constructed using string rewriting beginning with a cell [1] and iterating the rules {0->[1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1],1->[0 1 0; 1 0 1; ...
A linear functional defined on a subspace of a vector space V and which is dominated by a sublinear function defined on V has a linear extension which is also dominated by ...
The Harary graph H_(k,n) is a particular example of a k-connected graph with n graph vertices having the smallest possible number of edges. The smallest number of edges ...
In conical coordinates, Laplace's equation can be written ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in prolate spheroidal coordinates.
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