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Let a spherical triangle have sides a, b, and c with A, B, and C the corresponding opposite angles. Then (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(sin[1/2(A+B)]) = (tan[1/2(a-b)])/(tan(1/2c)) (1) ...
The Napoleon-Feuerbach cubic is the pivotal isogonal cubic with nine-point center N as the pivot point. It therefore has trilinear equation ...
The first Napoleon point N is the concurrence of lines drawn between vertices of a given triangle DeltaABC and the opposite vertices of the corresponding inner Napoleon ...
A Nash equilibrium of a strategic game is a profile of strategies (s_1^*,...,s_n^*), where s_i^* in S_i (S_i is the strategy set of player i), such that for each player i, ...
The term Nasik cube can refer to a number of different sorts of magic cubes. In particular, a Nasik cube is a magic cube in which additionally 1. The broken space diagonals ...
A type of mathematical result which is considered by most logicians as more natural than the metamathematical incompleteness results first discovered by Gödel. Finite ...
The natural projection, also called the homomorphism, is a logical way of mapping an algebraic structure onto its quotient structures. The natural projection pi is defined ...
Let F,G:C->D be functors between categories C and D. A natural transformation Phi from F to G consists of a family Phi_C:F(C)->G(C) of morphisms in D which are indexed by the ...
A near noble number is a real number 0<nu<1 whose continued fraction is periodic, and the periodic sequence of terms is composed of a string of p-1 1s followed by an integer ...
The problem in computational geometry of identifying the point from a set of points which is nearest to a given point according to some measure of distance. The nearest ...
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