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The Killing form is an inner product on a finite dimensional Lie algebra g defined by B(X,Y)=Tr(ad(X)ad(Y)) (1) in the adjoint representation, where ad(X) is the adjoint ...
Given a sequence S_i as input to stage i, form sequence S_(i+1) as follows: 1. For k in [1,...,i], write term i+k and then term i-k. 2. Discard the ith term. 3. Write the ...
The problem of determining how many nonattacking kings can be placed on an n×n chessboard. For n=8, the solution is 16, as illustrated above (Madachy 1979). In general, the ...
The kiss surface is the quintic surface of revolution given by the equation x^2+y^2=(1-z)z^4 (1) that is closely related to the ding-dong surface. It is so named because the ...
A planar convex quadrilateral consisting of two adjacent sides of length a and the other two sides of length b. The rhombus is a special case of the kite, and the lozenge is ...
The thinnest sequence which contains 1, and whenever it contains x, also contains 2x, 3x+2, and 6x+3: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, ... (OEIS A005658).
Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with Gödel number x, where (1) is normally omitted. Then if g is a partial recursive function, there exists an ...
A theorem, also called the iteration theorem, that makes use of the lambda notation introduced by Church. Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with ...
The Klein-Beltrami model of hyperbolic geometry consists of an open disk in the Euclidean plane whose open chords correspond to hyperbolic lines. Two lines l and m are then ...
A finitely generated discontinuous group of linear fractional transformations z->(az+b)/(cz+d) acting on a domain in the complex plane. The Apollonian gasket corresponds to a ...
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