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int_a^bf_1(x)dxint_a^bf_2(x)dx...int_a^bf_n(x)dx <=(b-a)^(n-1)int_a^bf_1(x)f_2(x)...f_n(x)dx, where f_1, f_2, ..., f_n are nonnegative integrable functions on [a,b] which are ...
If a_1>=a_2>=...>=a_n (1) b_1>=b_2>=...>=b_n, (2) then nsum_(k=1)^na_kb_k>=(sum_(k=1)^na_k)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k). (3) This is true for any distribution.
where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is a hypergeometric function and _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a generalized hypergeometric function.
A closed interval is an interval that includes all of its limit points. If the endpoints of the interval are finite numbers a and b, then the interval {x:a<=x<=b} is denoted ...
A map f between topological spaces that maps closed sets to closed sets. If f is bijective, then f is closed <==>f is open <==>f^(-1) is continuous, where f^(-1) denotes the ...
The comass of a differential p-form phi is the largest value of phi on a p vector of p-volume one, sup_(v in ^ ^pTM,|v|=1)|phi(v)|.
Given an arithmetic series {a_1,a_1+d,a_1+2d,...}, the number d is called the common difference associated to the sequence.
Given a geometric sequence {a_1,a_1r,a_1r^2,...}, the number r is called the common ratio associated to the sequence.
Let suma_k and sumb_k be a series with positive terms and suppose a_1<=b_1, a_2<=b_2, .... 1. If the bigger series converges, then the smaller series also converges. 2. If ...
A function f(x) is completely convex in an open interval (a,b) if it has derivatives of all orders there and if (-1)^kf^((2k))(x)>=0 for k=0, 1, 2, ... in that interval ...
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