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B(x,y)=[x y; +/-ty +/-x]. (1) It satisfies B(x_1,y_1)B(x_2,y_2)=B(x_1x_2+/-ty_1y_2,x_1y_2+/-y_1x_2). (2) Powers of the matrix are defined by B^n = [x y; ty x]^n (3) = [x_n ...
If, in the Gershgorin circle theorem for a given m, |a_(jj)-a_(mm)|>Lambda_j+Lambda_m for all j!=m, then exactly one eigenvalue of A lies in the disk Gamma_m.
For a curve with first fundamental form ds^2=Edu^2+2Fdudv+Gdv^2, (1) the Gaussian curvature is K=(M_1-M_2)/((EG-F^2)^2), (2) where M_1 = |-1/2E_(vv)+F_(uv)-1/2G_(uu) 1/2E_u ...
The inverse of the Laplace transform, given by F(t)=1/(2pii)int_(gamma-iinfty)^(gamma+iinfty)e^(st)f(s)ds, where gamma is a vertical contour in the complex plane chosen so ...
The system of ordinary differential equations u^' = A+u^2v-(B+1)u (1) v^' = Bu-u^2v (2) (Hairer et al. 1987, p. 112; Zwillinger 1997, p. 136). The so-called full Brusselator ...
The Buchstab function omega(u) is defined by the delay differential equation {uomega(u)=1 for 1<=u<=2; (uomega(u))^'=omega(u-1) for u>2 (1) (Panario 1998). It approaches the ...
The integral transform defined by (Kphi)(x)=int_0^infty(x^2-t^2)_+^(lambda/2)P_nu^lambda(t/x)phi(t)dt, where y_+^alpha is the truncated power function and P_nu^lambda(x) is ...
The partial differential equation u_t=del ·[M(u)del ((partialf)/(partialu)-Kdel ^2u)].
An even Walsh function with sequency k defined by Cal(n,k)=W(n,2k+1).
The partial differential equation u_(xxx)-1/8u_x^3+u_x(Ae^u+Be^(-u))=0.
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