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There are (at least) two mathematical objects known as Weierstrass forms. The first is a general form into which an elliptic curve over any field K can be transformed, given ...
A generalization of the Lebesgue integral. A measurable function f(x) is called A-integrable over the closed interval [a,b] if m{x:|f(x)|>n}=O(n^(-1)), (1) where m is the ...
An Abelian integral, are also called a hyperelliptic integral, is an integral of the form int_0^x(dt)/(sqrt(R(t))), where R(t) is a polynomial of degree >4.
A theorem which asserts that if a sequence or function behaves regularly, then some average of it behaves regularly. For example, A(x)∼x implies A_1(x)=int_0^xA(t)dt∼1/2x^2 ...
The Abel equation of the first kind is given by y^'=f_0(x)+f_1(x)y+f_2(x)y^2+f_3(x)y^3+... (Murphy 1960, p. 23; Zwillinger 1997, p. 120), and the Abel equation of the second ...
The difference between the measured or inferred value of a quantity x_0 and its actual value x, given by Deltax=x_0-x (sometimes with the absolute value taken) is called the ...
A function f(x) is absolutely monotonic in the interval a<x<b if it has nonnegative derivatives of all orders in the region, i.e., f^((k))(x)>=0 (1) for a<x<b and k=0, 1, 2, ...
The degree to which a given quantity is correct and free from error. For example, a quantity specified as 100+/-1 has an (absolute) accuracy of +/-1 (meaning its true value ...
Let M(X) denote the group of all invertible maps X->X and let G be any group. A homomorphism theta:G->M(X) is called an action of G on X. Therefore, theta satisfies 1. For ...
A property of motion which is conserved to exponential accuracy in the small parameter representing the typical rate of change of the gross properties of the body.
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