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The ordinary Onsager equation is the sixth-order ordinary differential equation (d^3)/(dx^3)[e^x(d^2)/(dx^2)(e^x(dy)/(dx))]=f(x) (Vicelli 1983; Zwillinger 1997, p. 128), ...
The operator norm of a linear operator T:V->W is the largest value by which T stretches an element of V, ||T||=sup_(||v||=1)||T(v)||. (1) It is necessary for V and W to be ...
The prescription that a trigonometry identity can be converted to an analogous identity for hyperbolic functions by expanding, exchanging trigonometric functions with their ...
The permutation tensor, also called the Levi-Civita tensor or isotropic tensor of rank 3 (Goldstein 1980, p. 172), is a pseudotensor which is antisymmetric under the ...
A phase curve is a plot of the solution to a set of equations of motion in a phase plane (or more generally, a phase space) as a function of time (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase ...
A phase portrait is a plot of multiple phase curves corresponding to different initial conditions in the same phase plane (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase portraits for simple ...
The representation, beloved of engineers and physicists, of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential x+iy=|z|e^(iphi), (1) where i (called j by engineers) is the ...
A piecewise function is a function that is defined on a sequence of intervals. A common example is the absolute value, |x|={-x for x<0; 0 for x=0; x for x>0. (1) Piecewise ...
The integral kernel in the Poisson integral, given by K(psi)=1/(2pi)(1-|z_0|^2)/(|z_0-e^(ipsi)|^2) (1) for the open unit disk D(0,1). Writing z_0=re^(itheta) and taking ...
A Pólya plot is a plot of the vector field of (R[f(z)],-I[f(z)]) of a complex function f(z). Several examples are shown above. Pólya plots can be created in the Wolfram ...
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