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The word saltus has two different meanings: either a jump or an oscillation of a function.
The study of sampling
S(nu,z) = int_0^infty(1+t)^(-nu)e^(-zt)dt (1) = z^(nu-1)e^zint_z^inftyu^(-nu)e^(-u)du (2) = z^(nu/2-1)e^(z/2)W_(-nu/2,(1-nu)/2)(z), (3) where W_(k,m)(z) is the Whittaker ...
A spherical harmonic of the form sin(mphi)P_m^m(costheta) or cos(mphi)P_m^m(costheta).
An action with G=R^+.
J_m(x)=(2x^(m-n))/(2^(m-n)Gamma(m-n))int_0^1J_n(xt)t^(n+1)(1-t^2)^(m-n-1)dt, where J_m(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Gamma(x) is the gamma function.
The square root inequality states that 2sqrt(n+1)-2sqrt(n)<1/(sqrt(n))<2sqrt(n)-2sqrt(n-1) for n>=1.
The robustness of a given outcome to small changes in initial conditions or small random fluctuations. Chaos is an example of a process which is not stable.
The value at a stationary point.
If 0<=g(x)<=1 and g is nonincreasing on the interval [0, 1], then for all possible values of a and b, int_0^1g(x^(1/(a+b)))dx>=int_0^1g(x^(1/a))dxint_0^1g(x^(1/b))dx.
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