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The dumbbell curve is the sextic curve a^4y^2=x^4(a^2-x^2). (1) It has area A=1/4pia^2 (2) and approximate arc length s approx 5.541a. (3) For the parametrization x = at (4) ...
A pair of conics obtained by expanding an equation in Monge's form z=F(x,y) in a Maclaurin series z = z(0,0)+z_1x+z_2y+1/2(z_(11)x^2+2z_(12)xy+z_(22)y^2)+... (1) = ...
In three mutually orthogonal systems of surfaces, the lines of curvature on any surface in one of the systems are its intersections with the surfaces of the other two systems.
Let the values of a function f(x) be tabulated at points x_i equally spaced by h=x_(i+1)-x_i, so f_1=f(x_1), f_2=f(x_2), ..., f_n=f(x_n). Then Durand's rule approximating the ...
Let F(n) be a family of partitions of n and let F(n,d) denote the set of partitions in F(n) with Durfee square of size d. The Durfee polynomial of F(n) is then defined as the ...
The length of the largest-sized square contained within the Ferrers diagram of a partition. Its size can be determined using DurfeeSquare[f] in the Wolfram Language package ...
The Dutch windmill graph D_3^((m)), also called a friendship graph, is the graph obtained by taking m copies of the cycle graph C_3 with a vertex in common (Gallian 2007), ...
The simplest algebraic language, denoted D. If X is the alphabet {x,x^_}, then D is the set of words u of X which satisfy 1. |u|_x=|u|_(x^_), where |u|_x is the numbers of ...
The surface with three cross-caps (Francis and Collins 1993, Francis and Weeks 1999).
For any two ergodic measure-preserving transformations on nonatomic probability spaces, there is an isomorphism between the two probability spaces carrying orbits onto orbits.
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