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If {a_j} subset= D(0,1) (with possible repetitions) satisfies sum_(j=1)^infty(1-|a_j|)<=infty, where D(0,1) is the unit open disk, and no a_j=0, then there is a bounded ...
If f(z) is regular and of the form O(e^(k|z|)) where k<pi, for R[z]>=0, and if f(z)=0 for z=0, 1, ..., then f(z) is identically zero.
A linear operator A:D(A)->H from its domain D(A) into a Hilbert space H is closable if it has a closed extension B:D(B)->H where D(A) subset D(B). Closable operators are ...
The differential forms on C^n decompose into forms of type (p,q), sometimes called (p,q)-forms. For example, on C, the exterior algebra decomposes into four types: ^ C = ^ ^0 ...
The modulus of a complex number z, also called the complex norm, is denoted |z| and defined by |x+iy|=sqrt(x^2+y^2). (1) If z is expressed as a complex exponential (i.e., a ...
Conjugation is the process of taking a complex conjugate of a complex number, complex matrix, etc., or of performing a conjugation move on a knot. Conjugation also has a ...
Given a subset S subset R^n and a point x in S, the contingent cone K_S(x) at x with respect to S is defined to be the set K_S(x)={h:d_S^-(x;h)=0} where d_S^- is the upper ...
The phrase "convergence in mean" is used in several branches of mathematics to refer to a number of different types of sequential convergence. In functional analysis, ...
The coversine is a little-used entire trigonometric function defined by covers(z) = versin(1/2pi-z) (1) = 1-sinz, (2) where versin(z) is the versine and sinz is the sine. The ...
A bounded linear operator T in B(H) on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some vector v in H for which the set of orbits ...
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