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A Hilbert basis for the vector space of square summable sequences (a_n)=a_1, a_2, ... is given by the standard basis e_i, where e_i=delta_(in), with delta_(in) the Kronecker ...
The axis in the complex plane corresponding to zero real part, R[z]=0.
A pair of values x and y one or both of which is complex.
The imaginary number i=sqrt(-1), i.e., the square root of -1. The imaginary unit is denoted and commonly referred to as "i." Although there are two possible square roots of ...
The indices of a contravariant tensor A^j can be lowered, turning it into a covariant tensor A_i, by multiplication by a so-called metric tensor g_(ij), e.g., g_(ij)A^j=A_i.
The indices of a covariant tensor A_j can be raised, forming a contravariant tensor A^i, by multiplication by a so-called metric tensor g^(ij), e.g., g^(ij)A_j=A^i
An infinitesimal is some quantity that is explicitly nonzero and yet smaller in absolute value than any real quantity. The understanding of infinitesimals was a major ...
Conditions at an initial time t=t_0 from which a given set of mathematical equations or physical system evolves. A system with initial conditions specified is known as an ...
An inner product space is a vector space together with an inner product on it. If the inner product defines a complete metric, then the inner product space is called a ...
The function K(alpha,t) in an integral or integral transform g(alpha)=int_a^bf(t)K(alpha,t)dt. Whittaker and Robinson (1967, p. 376) use the term nucleus for kernel.
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