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In set theory, a unary operation on set A is a function A->A. More generally, a unary operation is a function with exactly one operand, such as the factorial, square root, or ...
Variables x_i and x_j are said to be uncorrelated if their covariance is zero: cov(x_i,x_j)=0. Independent statistics are always uncorrelated, but the converse is not ...
A sequence of numbers alpha_n is said to be uncorrelated if it satisfies lim_(n->infty)1/(2n)sum_(m=-n)^nalpha_m^2=1 lim_(n->infty)1/(2n)sum_(m=-n)^nalpha_malpha_(k+m)=0 for ...
To each epsilon>0, there corresponds a delta such that ||f-g||<epsilon whenever ||f||=||g||=1 and ||(f+g)/2||>1-delta. This is a geometric property of the unit sphere of ...
The series sum_(j=1)^(infty)f_j(z) is said to be uniformly Cauchy on compact sets if, for each compact K subset= U and each epsilon>0, there exists an N>0 such that for all ...
A one-sided (singly infinite) Laplace transform, L_t[f(t)](s)=int_0^inftyf(t)e^(-st)dt. This is the most common variety of Laplace transform and it what is usually meant by ...
A one-sided (singly infinite) Z-Transform, Z[{a_n}_(n=0)^infty](z)=sum_(n=0)^infty(a_n)/(z^n). This is the most common variety of Z-transform since it is essentially ...
The integral of 1/r over the unit disk U is given by intint_(U)(dA)/r = intint_(U)(dxdy)/(sqrt(x^2+y^2)) (1) = int_0^(2pi)int_0^1(rdrdtheta)/r (2) = 2piint_0^1dr (3) = 2pi. ...
An operator U satisfying U^|U = 1 (1) UU^| = 1, (2) where U^| is the adjoint.
A function or transformation f in which f(z) does not overlap z. In modular function theory, a function is called univalent on a subgroup G if it is automorphic under G and ...
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