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The general bivariate quadratic curve can be written ax^2+2bxy+cy^2+2dx+2fy+g=0. (1) Define the following quantities: Delta = |a b d; b c f; d f g| (2) J = |a b; b c| (3) I = ...
A quadratic map is a quadratic recurrence equation of the form x_(n+1)=a_2x_n^2+a_1x_n+a_0. (1) While some quadratic maps are solvable in closed form (for example, the three ...
A quartic equation is a fourth-order polynomial equation of the form z^4+a_3z^3+a_2z^2+a_1z+a_0=0. (1) While some authors (Beyer 1987b, p. 34) use the term "biquadratic ...
A quartic graph is a graph which is 4-regular. The unique quartic graph on five nodes is the complete graph K_5, and the unique quartic graph on six nodes is the octahedral ...
The biconjugate gradient method often displays rather irregular convergence behavior. Moreover, the implicit LU decomposition of the reduced tridiagonal system may not exist, ...
A random-connection model (RCM) is a graph-theoretic model of continuum percolation theory characterized by the existence of a stationary point process X and a non-increasing ...
A random matrix is a matrix of given type and size whose entries consist of random numbers from some specified distribution. Random matrix theory is cited as one of the ...
Closed forms are known for the sums of reciprocals of even-indexed Fibonacci numbers P_F^((e)) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(F_(2n)) (1) = ...
The regular heptagon is the seven-sided regular polygon illustrated above, which has Schläfli symbol {7}. According to Bankoff and Garfunkel (1973), "since the earliest days ...
The regular pentagon is the regular polygon with five sides, as illustrated above. A number of distance relationships between vertices of the regular pentagon can be derived ...
