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Given a Poisson process, the probability of obtaining exactly n successes in N trials is given by the limit of a binomial distribution P_p(n|N)=(N!)/(n!(N-n)!)p^n(1-p)^(N-n). ...
A polygonal number is a type of figurate number that is a generalization of triangular, square, etc., to an n-gon for n an arbitrary positive integer. The above diagrams ...
An n-polyhedral graph (sometimes called a c-net) is a 3-connected simple planar graph on n nodes. Every convex polyhedron can be represented in the plane or on the surface of ...
An analog of the polyominoes and polyiamonds in which collections of regular hexagons are arranged with adjacent sides. They are also called hexes, hexas, or polyfrobs ...
There are two kinds of power sums commonly considered. The first is the sum of pth powers of a set of n variables x_k, S_p(x_1,...,x_n)=sum_(k=1)^nx_k^p, (1) and the second ...
An integer m such that if p|m, then p^2|m, is called a powerful number. There are an infinite number of powerful numbers, and the first few are 1, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, ...
A primality test is a test to determine whether or not a given number is prime, as opposed to actually decomposing the number into its constituent prime factors (which is ...
Find the m×n array of single digits which contains the maximum possible number of primes, where allowable primes may lie along any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. For ...
The factorization of a number into its constituent primes, also called prime decomposition. Given a positive integer n>=2, the prime factorization is written ...
A knot is called prime if, for any decomposition as a connected sum, one of the factors is unknotted (Livingston 1993, pp. 5 and 78). A knot which is not prime is called a ...
