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The tetrahedral equation, by way of analogy with the icosahedral equation, is a set of related equations derived from the projective geometry of the octahedron. Consider a ...
The tetrahedral group T_d is the point group of symmetries of the tetrahedron including the inversion operation. It is one of the 12 non-Abelian groups of order 24. The ...
A number of attractive tetrahedron 10-compounds can be constructed. The first (left figures) can be obtained by combining tetrahedron 5-compounds of opposite chirality ...
There are a number of attractive compounds of two regular tetrahedra. The most symmetrical is the arrangement whose outer hull is the stella octangula (left figure), while ...
Given a regular tetrahedron of unit volume, consider the lengths of line segments connecting pairs of points picked at random inside the tetrahedron. The distribution of ...
In general, a tetrakis hexahedron is a non-regular icositetrahedron that can be constructed as a positive augmentation of a cube. Such a solid is also known as a ...
The tetrix is the three-dimensional analog of the Sierpiński sieve illustrated above, also called the Sierpiński sponge or Sierpiński tetrahedron. The nth iteration of the ...
The biconnected graph theta_0 on seven nodes and seven edges illustrated above. It has chromatic polynomial pi_(theta_0)(z)=z^7-8z^6+28z^5-56z^4+68z^3-47z^2+14z and chromatic ...
The theta series of a lattice is the generating function for the number of vectors with norm n in the lattice. Theta series for a number of lattices are implemented in the ...
The thin plate spline is the two-dimensional analog of the cubic spline in one dimension. It is the fundamental solution to the biharmonic equation, and has the form ...
